Open Monday – Friday 7am to 5pm

Spindle Inspection – Automatic Tool Change, CX

Spindle Inspection

Spindle Inspection – Automatic Tool Change, CX

Spindle Inspection

Automatic Tool Change

Complex Design


Spindle Inspection – Automatic Tool Change, CX (Complex)

This is a service for the disassembly and inspection of an automatic tool change spindle (ATC). This applies for a complex ATC, not a typical ATC.  This is for small to medium sized spindles with a clamp group of 63 or smaller. This service is included in the total repair cost of the spindle. If we verbally quote a spindle repair, this is included. If it is ordered to secure expedited or urgent spindle repair services, it will be deducted from the total repair costs.

Spindle Inspection

The spindle inspection will be summarized in a detailed quote and a report with pictures. Findings will be addressed that may be the result of poor air or power quality. Often times, the cause of spindle failure is from support systems, i.e., dirty compressed air, chiller settings, worn valves, etc.

Please see our spindle repair page for more information: Spindle Repair



A. In the event that a spindle repair discovers damage costs exceeding the cost of a new spindle, we will inform the customer immediately. A refund will be given based on the completed percentage of the inspection. 


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